Don’t let your pain stop you from sport and exercise

sports-injurySport is a vital part of the Australian lifestyle, it promotes good health, stress relief and is fun. Injuries do occur when playing sport, fortunately most of these sports injuries can be effectively treated with a focussed and careful approach. The specialists at North West Physiotherapy will carefully assess your condition and suggest a range of treatment specifically to suit your lifestyle to get you back on the playing field as quickly as possible.

How are Sports Injuries Caused?

Most sporting injuries are a result of a direct blow (bruise or contusion) or an indirect force like a twist (sprains, strains and tears). Some injuries are due to over-use stresses (tendonitis, stress fractures).

Common Sports Injuries can include bruising, ligament sprains, joint injuries and over-use injuries.

What Should I Do If I Get A Sports Injury?

As soon as possible, and for at least 72 hours after the injury, use the RICE method to help minimise the effects of the injury. The Rice method means the following:

  • Rest: Take it easy and only move within your limit of pain.
  • Ice: As soon as possible and for 20 minutes every two hours, apply ice or a frozen gel pack wrapped in a damp towel. This helps to control bleeding and pain and reduces secondary tissue damage.
  • Compression: Firmly bandage or apply pressure to the entire area. This helps to control swelling.
  • Elevation: As much as possible, elevate your injured limb higher than the level of your heart to reduce the swelling.
  • Rehabilitation

Recovery can start very early after an injury. Specific Physiotherapy rehabilitation techniques will help to reduce the time your injury is painful and get you back moving normally. Rehabilitation also helps to promote a good quality ligament repair and the return of normal muscle and nerve function.

Avoid any of the HARM factors in the first 48 hours to prevent increased swelling and help your recovery. These are:

  • Heat
  • Alcohol
  • Running
  • Massage

North West Physiotherapy staff are highly qualified and trained in the assessment and treatment of sports injuries. As they have a comprehensive knowledge of biomechanics, tissue injury and healing, they have been appointed to many sports teams to monitor rehabilitation of injured players and assist with preventing injuries.

Contact the specially trained and understanding physiotherapists at North West Physiotherapy to assess your injury and tailor a plan to get you back to work and sport as quickly and safely as possible. At North West Physiotherapy you will also find a wide range of products specifically designed to assist in the recovery of sports injuries including knee and ankle braces, strapping tape, sports rubs and more.