North West Physiotherapy Keperra Coronavirus Restrictions Update

Coronavirus Restrictions Easing: North West Physiotherapy Keperra Update

With Coronavirus restrictions easing here’s an update from the professional team at North West Physiotherapy Keperra. Our team is pleased to confirm that our usual services are now back up and running, so we can continue to help you with pain management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As we must continue to abide by social…

Physio Led Pilates Classes Keperra

Physio Led Pilates Classes Keperra

Are you looking for your nearest physio led Pilates classes Keperra? North West Physiotherapy is proud to offer functional core strength classes featuring evidence-based Pilates exercises throughout the week at our clinic. Our classes, with a maximum of 3 participants, are tailored to suit any age, mobility and fitness level, plus we also cater for…