EPC Physio: a guide to enhanced primary care plans

EPC physio: a guide to Enhanced Primary Care plans

EPC physio: a guide to Enhanced Primary Care plans An EPC (Enhanced Primary Care) is a Medicare-subsidised program that gives people access to allied health services to help manage chronic conditions. If you or a family member are facing challenges managing a long-term health condition, the EPC program offers extensive care and numerous benefits. In…

WorkCover physiotherapy 8 FAQs Answered

WorkCover: physiotherapy 8 FAQs Answered

If you’re a WorkCover patient, North West Physio Eaton’s Hill is here to help you on your road to recovery. This article delves into 8 FAQs we receive at North West Physio, including the processes, associated costs, and expected recovery duration. We have all the information you need to navigate this critical aspect of workplace…