If you’ve got localised pain in your hip or buttock region, you may benefit from our blog about piriformis syndrome and its treatment.
Below we explain some symptoms we often see in patients with the condition, and ways to manage the tenderness associated with it.
Before we begin though, it’s important to remind you that if you are experiencing any pain, you should seek a diagnosis and personalised treatment plan from a qualified health professional.
What is Piriformis Syndrome?
The piriformis muscle is one of six muscles found in the lateral rotator group located in the hip/buttock region. This muscle connects the lumbar spine to the top of the femur or thigh bone.
Piriformis syndrome is the name given to the condition in which the piriformis muscle spasms and causes localised pain.
In addition, this twitching of the piriformis muscle can irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and even lead to pain and numbness at the back of the leg and in the foot.
Causes of Piriformis Syndrome
The exact cause is unknown; however, it’s believed potential causes of piriformis syndromes may include:
- The muscle spasming as a result of irritation of the muscle itself or surrounding structures like the hip or sacroiliac joint
- The muscle being tight as a result of spasm, exercise or injury
- The muscle being swollen as a result of twitching or injury
Piriformis Syndrome Symptoms
There are several symptoms a person with piriformis syndrome may experience.
At North West Physio, many of our clients with the condition often describe sciatica-like pain down the back of their leg and acute aching in the buttocks.
Here are some other piriformis syndrome symptoms often reported:
- Pain and/or difficulty sitting down. Tenderness often worsens with prolonged sitting.
- Pain that radiates to the back of the thigh, calf and or foot (sciatica)
- Walking up stairs or inclines can lead to pain
- Pain with end of range hip movements e.g. squat
Piriformis Syndrome Treatment
A comprehensive physiotherapy review can help to diagnose, assess and treat your piriformis syndrome.
Some examples of physiotherapy treatment methods we may incorporate into your treatment plan include:
- A piriformis and gluteal stretch,
- Hip range of motion exercises,
- Trigger point therapy and
- Deep tissue massage.
Expert tip: Some people suffer from a recurrence of this condition but activity modification (such as breaking up prolonged periods of sitting), stretching regularly, and maintaining a rehabilitation program prescribed by your physiotherapist, can make a big difference.
Would like to find out more about the condition, or schedule a time to see one of our Brisbane physiotherapists? Contact us here.
North West Physiotherapy is your one-stop pain relief and healthy living practice in Brisbane. With six clinics across North Brisbane; Everton Park, Keperra, Eatons Hill, Nundah, Lutchwyche and Newmarket, our aim is to provide holistic healthcare solution to suit your specific lifestyle.
Our services include Physiotherapy, Sports Physio, Hydrotherapy, Pilates, Podiatry, Dry Needling, Massage, Womens Health, and Seniors Strength and Balance Classes. Please note that services vary across our clinics.
Contact your local clinic to book an appointment.