For treatment of body aches, pains and other conditions, North West Physiotherapy are your local physio Stafford Heights.
Located just down the road from Stafford Heights in Everton Park, we’ll help get you back to the lifestyle you want to be leading as soon as possible.
Book your physio appointment today by calling our Everton Park clinic on (07) 3353 4111 or book your preferred time online here.
Stafford Heights Physiotherapy Services
At North West Physio, we offer our clients physiotherapy treatment along with a big range of other services including:
- Hydrotherapy
- Dry Needling/Acupuncture
- Womens health Physiotherapy
- Bounce Back core strengthening programs
- Seniors Strength Classes
- Gait Scan
- Ultrasound muscle scan
- Posture Pro Assessments
- Pilates
- Podiatry
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Exercise Physiology
Our biggest goal is ensuring you’re back on your feet as quickly as possible. Your physiotherapist will discuss all treatment options available to you at your first appointment and will organise a plan to cover how many sessions or treatments you may need.
Stafford Heights Physiotherapist – Belinda Suitor
Our fully qualified team of physiotherapists are here to help you, so we’d like for you to get to know us as well.
Meet Belinda, who has more than 10 years of experience as a physio, starting her career in the public hospital system before moving into private practice.
She has a keen interest in Pilates and women’s health and is one of our friendly faces running Pilates classes including antenatal and postnatal Pilates classes.
Stafford Heights Physio Appointments
We have appointment times available at our Everton Park clinic from 6am to 7pm throughout the week and 7am to 12pm on a Saturday, so we’re sure to find a time that suits you best.
We are located in the North West Plaza in Everton Park with lots of parking available in front of the clinic and undercover with access available from Flockton Street or Trouts Road.
Call us direct on (07) 3353 4111 or make your appointment online here anytime.
Physio Stafford Heights
Don’t ignore the problem and book now to see a physio Stafford Heights.
To arrange your appointment please call our team on (07) 3353 4111 or book an online appointment here.
North West Physiotherapy is your one-stop pain relief and healthy living practice in Brisbane. With six clinics across North Brisbane; Everton Park, Keperra, Eatons Hill, Nundah, Lutchwyche and Newmarket, our aim is to provide holistic healthcare solution to suit your specific lifestyle.
Our services include Physiotherapy, Sports Physio, Hydrotherapy, Pilates, Podiatry, Dry Needling, Massage, Womens Health, and Seniors Strength and Balance Classes. Please note that services vary across our clinics.
Contact your local clinic to book an appointment.